In any garden, whether a Hong Kong garden, an English country garden or just about anywhere, one has to remember that most plants have a flowering period of about 2-4 weeks. This means that unless you are a very keen gardener and know your plants and their flowering seasons, the prime colour in your garden will be green for the majority of the year.

Sounds pretty dull… but it need not be!

Here are a few pointers to creating an interesting and fabulously chic lush green garden.

1. Pick plants with contrasting leaf shapes and sizes

In this vertical garden, the differences in the shapes/sizes of the leaves, attract our eye and draw us further into the garden even though they are all a similar green.

A vertical garden is a really fantastic idea for small spaces and can be easily created with a trellis, pots and zip-ties!

Add some seating nearby and create a calm jungle vibe that makes you want to simply sit and soak it all in.


2. Style plants with contrasting shapes and heights to create a more formal feel with hedging and topiary

In this picture, the contrast of the long finger-like fronds of the tree fern (Dickensonia Antarctica) contrast sharply with the small-leaved and rounded Buxus Sempivirens. Against a backdrop of lush broad-leaved ivy, the look is orderly and elegant.

It’s beautiful to look at, and there’s not a flower in sight! And best of all, all these plants are all available in Hong Kong.

Space is at such a premium in Hong Kong, making any outdoor space hugely important to your home. If you would like to see what the true potential is for your outdoor space, then please don’t hesitate to contact The Home Stylist for a friendly and constructive consultation.
