Jul 17, 2018 | Outdoor, Stylist Spotlight
Our Stylist Spotlight will feature our stylist’s favourite styling projects and even their own homes to give you an insight into their eye for design and talent for creative stunning spaces made for living. This month we are featuring the beautiful outdoor area...
Jul 28, 2017 | Decor, Design 101, Outdoor
When looking to update the interiors of your home, is it possible to include sustainability in your concept? And if so, can you still create the look and feel you want, or will you run into limitations? Nowadays, there are so many more ways to use sustainability...
Jun 30, 2017 | Helpful Hints, Outdoor
Here in Hong Kong, we have an abundance of rooftops, however they are rarely utilised, and in a city where the average price per square foot is the highest of any city in the world, it’s incredible that all this space is left under used. Well, anyone who’s had access...