Using different size patterns means you can mix and match
If you love the look of a colourful room, using a variety of patterns, but you are worried that that it just doesn’t go, then read on: You can mix patterns as long as one pattern is larger than the other.
1) keep in mind that various patterns and colors don’t need to ‘match’ each other, they just need to ‘go’ together
2) Choose odd numbers when putting fabrics together; we recommend you start with 3 .
3) Consider the 60/30/10 approach. Stick to 60 percent of a favourite pattern, 30 percent of a second pattern, and 10 percent of a third as an accent. Try three patterns in a range of scales, such as a narrow stripe, a midsize geometric, and a bold floral
4) Repeat colours in the patterns ie tones of red or blue, but keep intensities consistent. For example, if palette is pastel don’t mix jewel tones.
5) If you like muted tones, a subtle pattern can add interest to the room
6) Balance patterns across the room, so you have stripes occurring regularly, for example.
7) Break the rules! If it looks good and you like the look, great!